“History stands testimony to the fact that the world owes its progress to the entrepreneurial spirit, which constantly strives to create new paths, and give new direction to mankind.” |
As someone who has dedicated over 3 decades of his life to the pursuit of entrepreneurship, Sushil Handa sums up his long and eventful journey, with its accompanying achievements and challenges, as experiencing the “Magic of Life”.
Well before he embarked on his entrepreneurial career at the age of 24, Sushil Handa, with the clarity of vision and foresight so characteristic of him, had made up his mind to become an entrepreneur. At the young age of 12, Sushil Handa spent his summer vacations drawing up a blueprint of his 'dream industrial estate' along with a cousin. While he did pursue a professional career for a short while, the overpowering desire to create an enterprise of his own remained, and he soon chose to give up his “cushy” job with an American Multinational to chart out his own journey of entrepreneurship and life.
During the course of his life, Mr. Sushil Handa has successfully established global businesses and mentored young entrepreneurs. He has been the driving force behind several global business success stories built on the foundation of uniqueness and innovation.
As a first generation entrepreneur, he took his own decisions, made his own mistakes, learnt from them and continued to grow. However, one thing he has sorely missed is the presence of a 'mentor' who could have guided him through the various crests and troughs of his career and life. This, along with an innate ability to recognize the uniqueness and potential of ideas, opportunities and people, have evolved into the vision behind The FifthVeda Entrepreneurs – a platform through which Mr. Sushil Handa seeks to partner with young and enterprising people who have the desire to nurture an entrepreneurial dream and are willing to lead from the front, and share his belief and commitment in shaping the creation of a brave new world. |